Saturday, December 6, 2008

24 DEC - Samarth Ramdas sthapith 11 Maruti

There are many Samarth stapith(established) Maruti temples out of which 11 are more prominent.
It is said that these 11 temples were actually information network to get the information from enemy empire and give it to Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj.
These temples are situated in beautiful hills and valleys of Satara, Umbraj, Kolhapur districts. These districts are full of forts and beautyful valleys.
We are organizing this trek of 4 days
11 Maruti cycle program.
Meeting point - Panvel on 24 by 7.00 p.m.
24 night by bus to satara
25 1st SajjanGad
27 Majgav
28 Chaphal

Approx. 900 - 1100/- RS. & now. or 9819114808 (after 10)